Life Update: I’m Going Back To School!

I’m officially going back to school to get my Bachelor’s!

For those of you who may not know, I currently have an Associate degree in Business that I got a few years back. And at the time, I decided to not transfer to a 4-year school to complete a Bachelor’s right away.

But it ended up working out because I was able to finesse my way into 2 different marketing jobs over the span of 1 year! (If you want me to do a whole separate post on that, just hit me up via Instagram DMs!)

The main reason I’ve decided to go back to school to get my Bachelor’s is the financial benefits the degree can offer me over the course of my career.

It has been said that (on average), people with Bachelor’s degrees earn more throughout their careers than those with Associate degrees or high school diplomas.

Upon seeing these statistics (the graph in that article explains it all), I’ve decided to take it more seriously because my ultimate goal is to reach FIRE, or at least become financially free, where I don’t have to rely on my employer for income until retirement.

And of course the best way for me to reach that goal is to, you guessed it, earn a higher income!

While my current salary isn’t terrible for someone who still lives at home for the time being, eventually I’d love to be able to move out! And, of course, earn a much higher salary that reflects my education and experience, as well as how much work I put in to my job.

As much as I hate that a silly little piece of paper determines my salary, I might as well get that silly little piece of paper to make more moolah, right?!

Regarding the whole ~learning and doing classwork~ part of going back to school, I’m feeling very nervous and excited at the same time, but also very determined to finally get it done this time around.

So what does this mean for Focused On Finances?

First of all, I’m not going anywhere!

I will still definitely keep running this brand and creating more content going forward, but it may be less. I will also be prioritizing the Instagram page over the blog, so go make sure you’re following my IG if you aren’t already!

But I never want to bite off more than I can chew, so I’m not making any promises about anything regarding FOF. My job and studies obviously need to come first.

I know that having a supportive boss, friends, and family will certainly make this new chapter a lot less stressful, so I’m grateful for all of those wonderful people in my life!

I also got a lot of supportive comments from my awesome Instagram followers last week, which totally made my day!

So that’s my life update! If you have any questions (or time management tips), feel free to leave them in the comments section below.