Not All Investments Are Financial

Financial investments can benefit your life in many ways, but non-financial investments can benefit your life much more.

In January I posted on my Instagram about the non-financial investments I plan to make in 2023.

These included: hobbies, career, friendships, and health.

In my opinion, these are some of the most important investments one can make in their lives. (Yes, even more important than investing in stocks and ETFs!)

The point I was trying to make in that post was that it’s super important to prioritize the things in your life that can’t be bought.

You can’t buy good health, career development, fulfillment from hobbies, or your friendships.

After all, your best investment is in YOURSELF!

And things like your hobbies, health, friendships, and your career are all what make you, you!

If you don’t pay attention to these things while you pursue wealth and financial freedom, you will start to lose sight of why you’re even on this journey in the first place.

Without your health, for example, you can’t have wealth.

It may sound cliche, but a therapist once told me, “You can’t pour from an empty cup” – meaning you can’t take care of the things in your life without first taking care of yourself.

And by taking care of yourself, you will have so much more energy to pursue wealth and FIRE.

So this is basically the reason why I am making a lot of non-financial investments this year. I want to improve my life in all aspects and better myself for the important people in my life.

By bettering myself and investing in things like my health and relationships, I will be setting myself up for financial independence one day down the line.

If I choose to neglect these important things, I will not have a fulfilled life even in early retirement.

Without fulfilling hobbies, solid relationships, a purpose in life, and good health, the amount of money I have does not matter at the end of the day.